Day 5 – Discuss YourFeelings on theWord “Love” and the Way It’s Used in Today

Love sometimes works out of your control. When you want to keep the distance and try not think about it, there is always a way for universe to pull of the magnet and bring you back to the circle. It’s so funny when a smile can boost up your mood or a short conversation recharge your life battery for a day.  Distract your work by 3-second-imagination, but can bring double energy to finish the work well, as soon as possible. Weird, but you always enjoy to be that weirdo.



Anyway, I had skype conversation this morning. Me and my friend had sarcasm joked, one of that is “do you still love me?” and I answered “yes I do, babe~~”. Haha.

(It’s the way I used love word today. My life is not just for loving a boy,  but also for everyone I want to be with)